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-Sunday, May 23, 2010 ' 9:31 PM Y
Here for you..

Fall down agn , few days ago .
After sch went to th panda reservoir
oppsite my sch .
Ran down th slope alone , fell and got scratches on both legs , seriously hurts .
Lips even bleed , face and neck both got scratches too .
Lucky Nadhirah is with me , and her water bottle still got some water .
So clean up and headed to th bus stop, was really stupid to fall down everytime .
Haiz , mayb cause youu nt in sch barhhs .
Er , tyrone , wilson , cheryl , mandy , agnes , lydia , yasmeen , chin wen , hao yang , sist and cousins concern , i'm feelin much better now , dun worry bout me .
Nth much alr , byee .

-Saturday, May 15, 2010 ' 11:23 PM Y
Here for you..

Today was fun , went t bukit timah hill with , gwen , cheryl , wilson , joel , bernard , melvan and amos . Was very tiring but seriously funn (:
Photos ? Check on facebook barhs , nowadays very little ppl read my blog as nvr post everytime . Was busy watchin tv all th time aso dun bother to online , hahah ;x
Did nt get to knw exams marks except fr chinese .
But maths pass , chinese pass got 57 ;x
sci and geo dk , but i got a feelin thht those two subjects will fail .
English oso still not get t knw yet , but got abit of confident is like just pass can le lahhhs .
Er , currently at 3rd aunt house , still haven do homework ;x
Dunnoe whht t do now so came to post , was rather boring , listening to songs , facebooking .
Er , nth much t tok about alr , bye bye (:

-Thursday, April 29, 2010 ' 9:19 PM Y
Here for you..

I'll miss youu if youu go , but whht can i do ?
But just waitin for thh day for youu to leave me .
Whenever i ask youu nt to leave , youu will nvr once reply me .
I hate thht feelin , frm young till 12 , i had nvr whht th feelin of getting rejected .
But youu , rejected me . I dunnnoe whhy i didnt hate youu .
I seriously dunnoe whht to do .

Just hope thht youu wouldn't transfer ....
Haiz .....
anyways , fall down a few days ago while plyin catchin in class .
Was stupid . slip and fall and got my both knees injured .

Left knee & Right knee x.x

-Wednesday, April 28, 2010 ' 8:28 PM Y
Here for you..

Dun transfer , please ....
I beg youu . Sometimes youur actions ask me to let youu go , but sometimes ask me to dunn giv up .
I really didnt knw whht to do , just to wait .
But at last , i just wanna say , please dun transfer , or i'll miss youu ....

-Monday, April 26, 2010 ' 9:51 PM Y
Here for you..

I will nvr let go , till th day youu ask me to .
Today in class was rather payin attention .
Hav maths remedial frm 4-5 was boring ..
Bus-ed to cityvibe , change-ed battery wuth jerene , bought sweettalk and walk-ed home .
Soon , was home-ed , watch tv , bathe , eat , watch tv again , facebook and here bloggin .
Tmr meeting hao yang in th morning as uncle is nt fetchin . Got to wake up before 6 , haiz .
Nehmind , just fr 1 day nia .
Slpin soon , nighhts .

-Friday, April 23, 2010 ' 9:52 PM Y
Here for you..

Today in class was so-so .
After sch , went for flee market , me and xiuqin sold one handbag fr just only for $3 ehhs .
Hahah , thn after thht , me , cheryl , xiu qin , ling xuan and melvan went to jp .
But after thht cheryl left .
Me & ling xuan bought our lunch at mac :DD
Takeaway ~
Went to popular , to buy some stuff and headed to xiu qin house , by thn , me and ling xuan lunch was cold x.x
But still hav to eat as we are hungry .
Hahah , after thht went to do stuffs , blahblahblah .
We laugh-ed alot ;x
Leave xiu qin house at about 5 plus thn went to take bus and headed bck to jp .
Train-ed with ling xuan till jurongeast , she went to th middle track and i bus-ed home after thht .
Soon , reached home , bathe , eat blahblahblah .
My internet was really sloww ...
Getting fedup restarting my comp over and over agn -.-
Now facebook can go in le , but i was about to off le . haiz , nitez ppl . Bye (:

-Wednesday, April 21, 2010 ' 8:42 PM Y
Here for you..

I'm useless .
Whn i go to sch , th way ppl look at me , really chnged .
I am no longer who i am .
I chnge-ed , right ?
I want true love , but i'm getting lesser and lesser trust fr love .
U're th one thht say u like me 1st , bt ended up sayin it is all a lie .
I hate thht feelin . It sucks .

-Tuesday, April 20, 2010 ' 9:16 PM Y
Here for you..

who will knw hw i feel ?
he didn't even say he like me .
whhy u guys must say thht he like me .
whn u guys dunnoe anyth , please shut up , ty . -'-

-Thursday, April 15, 2010 ' 8:37 PM Y
Here for you..

Lol , long time no post agn .
Nth to do so here bloggin .
Today in class nth much ....
But Joseph , Tyrone , Yasmeen & me is tokin about th "Kelvin"
LOL ? Mayb Yasmeen see this post , next day will box me eh ;x
Coz rights , Yasmeen today in class say Wilson is handsom , Joseph is handsom .
Thn we say Yasmeen like Kelvin thn she keep deny-ing ;x
HAHAH ! After sch , during lunch time , Joel , Gwen , Cheryl & Me was plyin hide&seek .
Very childish{I KNOW}
Cheryl very funny lorhs , we ply-ed in th library .
Thn heard some of th seniors say : Here is a library , not a plyground .
But we didnt giv it a dam , continued ply-in ;x
Was rather fun coz keep running around after being seen ;x
Ply cheat one ;P
Hahaha , leave sch at about 5 , took bus 30 & 78 .
Reach-ed Clementi , raining heavily ;O
No umbrella , so waited for mummy to fetch at cityvibe .
Sms-in Gwen half-way , she told me she was drench-ed`HAHAHAH . ;x
Soon , mummy came to an rescue ..
Change to slippers and headed home .
Soon , i am home-ed ! (: {Home Sweet Home}
Bathe-ed , eat , watch tv , lots more.... and here bloggin ;P
Hahah , waitin for someone's reply , nth much le , Bye bye !

-Tuesday, March 16, 2010 ' 9:24 PM Y
Here for you..

Omg ! I'm totally lazy to update this freaking blog ;x
Although is "half-dead" let's make it alive agn . Lol luhs ;x
Today morning ate breakfast with my classmate`Nadhirah at MAC .
Erm thn went for our remedial class .
Failed geo thhts whhy need go fr remedial .
Th remedial was fun , thhr should be havin 8 students but ended up 5 , lol .
Teacher`MrsLoh explained to us th RIVER SYSTEM .
It seriously took us 1half hour fr us to understand .
Hahah , after thht , we hav our test .
Miracle-ly (paisehh dk how spell) , I PASSED !
For th past few months , she had gave us 4 tests & this is th ONE & ONLY TEST
which i actually PASSED !
So dam freaking happy luhs ;x
After we did th test , teacher mark it straight away .
So thht we got to knw our results .
Highest was 10half/17 .
I actually scored 10/17 , i was freaking HAPPY ;laughs .
I knw it was a JUST pass .
But i'll try harder next time .
After thht went to meet friendS and sweetheartS .
Untill it reaches 3.40 , i leave clementi but before thht , me & cherly threw weili's slippers inside th wastebin before we leave , was freaking funny , laughdieme !
Went for crosscountry , was tiring of course .
Back-ed home , do stuffs and here updating my "half-dead" blog .
Ohya , my homework is yet touch-ed ;x
Try to finish luhs .
Will TRY to update tmr .
Thhts th end of today luhs BYE . ;x

-Friday, January 22, 2010 ' 7:21 PM Y
Here for you..

Dun really knw whht to type about but was kinda sian .
Today in sch , dun feel like tokin whht happen luhs .
But after sch actually is go jurong library de but gwen say wan follow wilson thhy all go jp .
But thn thhy went le luhs .
Called thm , thy say thy waiting for us at th bus interchange .
So reached thhr , thhy keep sayin whhy so late whhy so late .
Was dam freaking irritating luhs .
Went off without thm , lol .
Thought thht thy will follow sia but yet thhy nvr .
So called thm agn , thhy say thhy at th wallet shop so went to find thm .
Anyways thm= Wilson , Walter , Reynard and Melvan .
Lol , melvan and Reynard say thhy wan go mac , so thhy went off alr .
We was looking at wallets as gwen wanted to buy for wilson .
So found one , bought it and went to mac .
Reached thhr , reynard and melvan was not thhr luhs , but hungry alr so just eat lo .
Thn whn we are eatin half way , melvan came in to mac with a kfc chicken .
Dam funny luhs . He went bck kfc agn .
After all th lunch , everybody went home .
Oh ya , oso met dawn`jie (:
Gwen , dawn`jie and her fren alight at jurong east so i alone le lorhs ):
Went to void deck , sit on th bench alone .
So called and dissiao and jake .
Haha , ask him come pei wo .
Thn he came with weili and a girl tht is frm her class or something .
Th girl like him worhs , walk until whhr , oso follow until whhr .
Like his dog like thht ;x no offence luhs .
But thht girl's face red red one , like china girl ;x
Lol , after reachin home thn keep smsin .
Thn now bloggin lo .
I wan go audi le luhs , bye bye ;D

-Thursday, January 21, 2010 ' 7:08 PM Y
Here for you..

Was kinda sad this few days about some personal stuffs ...
But today was
No sch for me but for aida , jer`mei , dawn`jie and aishah`twinn .
So around 10 plus , whn thhy are having lessons , i sms and dissiao them =P
Except for twinn coz wanted to give her a surprise .
So met dawn`jie 1st at around 1 plus , followed by jer`mei thn aida .
We planned in ljs , but ended up tokin about guys ;x
Lol , around 3 plus , went to buy cake .
But dawn`jie went home le ):
So we to buy a cake thht cost us $12 , it was kinda small .
Went to 435 after thht , asked sist. to bring aishah`twinn here .
We waited like more thn 1 hour and thhy finally came .
Jer`mei lighted up th candle .
Aishah`twinn was so shock thht we gave her a surprise .
She really thought thht i forgotten thht today was her birthday .
Thn we sang birthday song , she made her wish , cut cake and finally eating time ! (:
Th cake was delicious , thanks to jer`mei she chose this cake .
And soon , we strted to take pictures !

Th cake & th candle ;D

Twinn cutting cake & face kanna sabo by us after eatin =P

This is even worse ;x
Aida push th left over cake on her face .
Lol ! Had fun today .
Lastly ,
Stay happy always and i will be thhr for you ^^
Gtg now , zaijian (:

-Sunday, January 10, 2010 ' 10:52 AM Y
Here for you..

Very lazy to post ;x
So post some pics lo , strt with some solo pics ;x
020110 ;shy
Was zilian-in at lot1 pizza hut .
Coz thht day was siti's birthday .
Saw some pics thht some of us was wet ?
Coz we plyed at th skypark . LOL .
Very childish right ? ( I knw ;x )
Some pics are blur , coz i was shivering ;x

Now , is everybody zilian tgt , LOL .

No more pics le , Bye bye (:

-Sunday, December 27, 2009 ' 12:55 PM Y
Here for you..

Ytd was really fun luhs (:
Went shoppin with twinn , buy lots & lots of stuffs .
Bought my Mickey bagg , christmas present for sissy even though its over , sissy's bagg and alot more .
1st , we went to lot1 to hav our lunch at Mac after thht went to buy my Mickey bagg .
Thnn twinn and me bought our Tees , freaking like those Tees (:
After buyin those tees , went to look for th kind of bagg sissy one .
But twinn bought a sling bagg 1st is white in colour , very nice :D
After thht , almost shop th whole lot1 but found nth so went jurong point`jp .
Took mrt to jurong east and thn change train and we finally reached !
Dunnnoe whht to strt with , so went to look for bagg 1st .
Twinn brought me to a shopp thht got lots of nice nice bagg thhr .
Seriously alot but quite ex luhs . But still bought it .
Coz we to a number of shops so dun feel like findin alr .
So called sis and she said ok . Bought it .
I wanted to hav ice-cream but twinn say if i hlp her find shorts , she treat me .
So went to look for shorts .
Went to lots of shops but cnnt find th size .

So went to th bottom lvl and found it ! Yeah , i was thinkin like , finally got ice-cream to eat lo .
Went up agn , twinn treat me ice-cream , so nice but ex oso lei , $4+ per cup .
But so nice ;shy
After thht slack thhr for awhile . As legs very pain le .
Took some pictures of our ice-cream but usin twinn's phone so i dun hav de pictures .
Oso nvr zilian coz in shoppin mall lei , very paisehh ;shy
So no pics lo , but will take pics of th things thht i buy thn post nxt time .
After havin our ice-cream thn continue shoppin .
Saw i shop named "MICKY" so pulled aishah in .
Everything inside was mickey mickey mickey .
All so cute ! ;duh
Got mickey's bookmarks , file , necklace , toy and alot more .
I wan th necklace , $19.90 lei .
Thn bought some eeyore stuffs for sissy .
And some mickey stuffs for myself of course .
Twinn bought me mickey keychain (:
Thx lots uhs ;shy
After thht went shop shop .
Bought some things thht can eat and thn headed to 3rd aunt house .
Th train was like dam crowded .
So needed to stand even though feel like sitting .
Took train to Chua chu kang thn took mrt to phoneix .
Things about today , tonight thn post barhs . Watchin tv now , will post at night (:

-Friday, December 25, 2009 ' 11:01 PM Y
Here for you..

Heheh , quite a few days bo post alr . Lazy luhhs ;x
Ytd went to Newyork Newyork to hav dinner , coz aunt's birthday .
Was dam expensive but th food was freaking nice .
Ate Fish&Chips . $15+ per plate lei , eat alr , oso xin tong .
Will post some pics of ytd , another day .
Today , nvr do much things as sis and cousin was usin comp .
So i cnnt use till now thn can lo . So was watchin tv all th way .
Smsin toos ! ;x
Nth to do , so went l4d , really very fun , but i very lousy lei ;x
Thn now chattin with ppl on msn ;duh
Ate medi le , so anytime will just fall asleep de .
Flu not yet ok D:
Saddieme ;cry
But goin shoppin with twinnn tmr ! (:
Cnt wait for tmr to cme .
It will be fun as we are goin to buy lots of stuffs .
Of course thhr will be photo coz we too zilian liaos ;x
And oso , Dawn`Jie , Twinnn and Meee had alr promised to slack tgt after sch whn sch reopen .
And of course we will , chatt , study , ply , eat , laughs , zilian and lots more ! (:
Dunnnoe whht to write alr , will post pics some other day .
Yawns .....

-Monday, December 21, 2009 ' 6:15 PM Y
Here for you..

Done with th photos up there (:
But strt frm morning 1st barhs .
Today , actually should meet , Jer , Twinn and Siti outside mac at 9 .
But i oveslept ):
Wei heng came into my room , and i asked him "Whht time now ?"
He replied "9.20 alr lo "
Thn i was like dam freaking shock and say "HUH?!"
After thht went to brush teeth , eat , bathe , tie hair and thn just rush off like thht .
Went sch for skippin trainning .
Thn after training , went lunch at ljs with Kristin , birthday girl (Jerene) , Twinn and Siti .
After lunch with all of them , all went seperate ways , only me and Twinn went same ways .
Coz goin plyground slack marhs , really slack dam long . Frm 1 till 5 leh .
After all th chattings , zilian le lorhs . Keep taking photo usin Twinn's phone .
Till Twinn's phone no batt leh , seriously dead .
She told me thht she will post all th photos tmr .
So everyone , go her blog tmr uhhs .
Saw all th photos i take up thr ?
Thhts a quiz .
Guess which is me and which is Twinn .
Just write th answer on th tagg box and i will reply it on msn .
Example - Shoes : No.1 ___ No.2 ___ .
Just write it like thht and tagg it on th tagg box .
Goin cut hair ltr , scared very ugly ;sob
Rmb to answer my questions uh .
Oh ya ! Almost forget ..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERENE ONG !
12yearsold le dun be so childish anymore .
Gtg soon , Bye !

-Monday, December 14, 2009 ' 12:12 AM Y
Here for you..

Sup ! Here posting agn (:
But now is alr 12 o'clock luhs .
As usual in th morning , thn afternoon went temple .
After thht came to 3rd aunt house .
Reached alr thn watched th peguin father agn coz uncle got recordd .
Dam niice luh (:
After thht thn of course comp alr luhs .
Thn around 7+ , dinner time (:
Thn comp agn , audi with wx coz wan tagg exp .
Sooooon , hav lic lo . So went to try ;x
Fail , fail , fail , fail , fail , fail , fail ....
But thn , finally , PASSED ! (:
Yeah ! So happy , but thn ply so many times till my fingers so pain .
Haiz , but worth it luhs (:
Yawnz ... Dunnoe whht to post alr . Bye (:

-Friday, December 11, 2009 ' 9:26 PM Y
Here for you..

Sup ! Today as usual in th morning so no need repeat myself alr luhs , lazy to type ;x
So of course after bathing went out agn .
Went to sch with sissy , actually no wan go de lorh .
But thn no one accompany her so she drag me along .
Went to her sch to take her form after thht , went ljs for lunch .
Quite full after thht , decided to go sheng song .
Coz i wan buy th sour sour sweet ;x
After thht took bus dunnoe whht thn went bank .
Whn we reached bank , th guy which service us keep callin sissy , "xiao mei mei"
Lol ! When we were walkin bck home , sissy keep complaining thht th guy call her
"xiao mei mei" thn i replied , if not call u whht ? "da jie da ?"
Thn she was like nth to say luh .
Went void deck coz dun feel like goin home .
Thn slack slack slack . Dun wan to tok about whht happen thhr , very lazy to type .
Few hours ltr , here bloggin agn .
And finally goona say : HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARON LUCAAS ! (:
Gtg now , Will post if i wan to , Bye !

-Thursday, December 10, 2009 ' 7:57 PM Y
Here for you..

Lol , today as usual .
Woke up , brush teeth , eat , bathe and went out agn ! (:
Went to sch with cherly to take our certificates thn went for lunch .
After lunch at kfc , went to plyground to meet jerjer .
She brought her cousin along .
She was dam cute luhhs .
We plyed with her a game , so called "Swing Swing"
LOL .. Really fun , we hold our hand and thn run .
Thn she was fly up . Dam fun lorhs .
She keep laughing , but thn dunnoe whht happen ,
Jer ask her to drink water thn she dun wan .
She just walk away till quite a distance thn she shouted , " I ANGRY ! "
Thn we was like dam shock luh .
She cried after thht .
Jer calm her down she brought her home . So all of us went home .
few hours ltr , i am here bloggin , chattin with twinnie .
Really chatt till very far luh , we was tokin about whht to buy whn we go shoppen tgt .
LOL . Really cnt wait for th day whn we go shoppin tgt luhs .
Erm . so now tok about tagg box barhs .
I knw my tagg box abit small but wish readers dun mind taggin .
Gtg alr luhhs . Bye ! (:

-Sunday, December 6, 2009 ' 9:26 PM Y
Here for you..

Sry for not posting for such a long time as i was really lazy ;x
But today got nth to do , so i post lorhhs .
Dunnnoe whht to do now , sian .
Wannted to go out but , can mehs ? x.x
Only can lan , lan , lan , arcade , arcade , arcade .
Sian with all this things alr lurhhs .
So , even if i post , it will oso be boring , coz everyday
keep repeating th same thing i do .
But tell u guys something , i am seriously BROKE ! ;x
My piggy bank only left with a few cents , so pathetic .
Tmr dunnoe should go out and slack around or stay at home .
Really boring , should i go 3rd aunt house ? o.o
Mayb not , should ask mummy if cn go out somedays ...
Kkays now , should tok about just now conversation ....
Whn i was half-way posting , my sis came in ....
Posting half-way .....
Sissy : Ai seh , post alr worhs , is a miracle seh u post leh .
I nvr reply but just stare at her and thn continued posting .
Sissy : Eh , u lame seh .
Nvr reply agn ...
Sissy : I got say meh ?
Me : HAV LORHS ! ;x
Now she tokin to jun yao .
She keep sayin th word 'LAME LEH'
End of conversation .
She really keep say th word on top .
Haiz , mayb her dictionary only got two words :
LOL , to me funny , but to u ? Mayb not , tagg on my taggbox uh ! (:
Heheheh , i dunnoe whht to post alr . SO ....
END here lo .
Will posy asap ;x
BYE BYE ~ (:

-Thursday, November 19, 2009 ' 9:10 PM Y
Here for you..


HELLO !!!! (:
Today was th so called last day of sch ....
Quite sad ...
After sch , we all went to talents corner ,
Strting , not all th girls are cryin ,
But after thhy saw me and Shu Qi cry thhn thhy strted cryin ,
Coz thhy say thhy look at us thn feel like cryin ...
Thn really sry if i make u guys cry ....
Really very sad but had fun today .
Jokes and laughter every where .
We had spent our six years in th same pri sch ,
And now we hav to leave .....
And , Frens ,
Promise me , not to cry tmr k ?
Even though mayb we will be goin to diff sec schs ,
We still keep in touch ....
We are frens forever (:
If u girls wants to cry ,
My PE shirt NICE right ? (:

LOL , Gtg soon ... BYE !

-Sunday, September 27, 2009 ' 9:56 PM Y
Here for you..

Haiz .
Really hurts today D:
And i look black x.x
Sad Sad .
When i am showering , i keep shouting , it was dam pain .
But no choice but to bare x.x
My shoulder hurt the most .
I am worrying thht i am unable to carry my bagg tmr .
And my bagg was really heavy .
My shoulder hurts now too ! D:
I am having a great pain .
Hope thht i will be okay tmr .
If not i will hav a hard time carrying my bagg alr .
So just wish and begg thht my shoulder will be well tmr .
Afternoon , i got bullied by my sister .
She knew thht my shoulder was pain ,

But she threw things on my shoulder and hit my shoulder .
I scream and shout but nobody cares x.x
Nehmind , anyways just hope thht everything would be fine tmr :)
Tmr still hav sch , so slp early ,
Ouch ! Nitex ..... Yawn .....

-Saturday, September 26, 2009 ' 10:22 PM Y
Here for you..

Hi Ppl ! Long time no post .
Paisehh ...
Lazy to post .
Today , i woke up at 8.30 coz cnt sleep .
thn went to eat breakfast .
Aunt bought beehoon . YUMMY :)
After all the eating , i went to bathe .
Marcus came to my house .
And soon it was 11+
And we were off for swimming :)
It was rather fun plyin thr ,
We meet Jerene & Axel at the entrence .
We went in tgt .
It was rather fun thr .
HEHEH . And it was 1 o'clock .
And Min Jie came .
She chnged into her swimming costume and joined us .
Its was really fun .
When it was about 2+ we found thht our body were red !
We got sunburnt x.x
Jialatt x.x Will be dam pain tmr ...
After swimming , we went to cityvibe ,
We were thinking of eating dinner thr ,
Jerene went home so left with ,
WeiHeng , Axel , Marcus , MinJie and Me :)
But it was still early , so Weiheng wanted to go lann .
Headed thr but i dun feel like plyin .
So MinJie and I went to look around .
After our dinner at Mos Burger ,
We went to the arcade .
It was dam fun and funny .
We plyed Spot The Differnece .
It was dam fun .
When we were plyin , mum called
and ask where am I , i told her thht I am in the arcade .
And she told me thht sissy is cutting hair ,
So i decided to find them ,
After finding , i went to cut hair toos ! :D
Not really thht obvious but my hair becme lesser . (LOL)
Went home , and my body strts to hurt
especially my back ! x.x
Mum put cream on my back , but still hurts .
Quite tired today , so lets end of here ! :)
Will post ASAP :)
Bye bye ^^
Slp early . Nites nites ! =)

-Tuesday, September 8, 2009 ' 9:40 PM Y
Here for you..

Today remidial strts at 8 o'clock and i was almost late !
i took my time to bathe and i on the heater till max .
After i cme out frm the bath room , i am sweating ..
Grrrr ... Went to tie my hair as fast as i can while sms MinJie .
Actually was suppose to meet jer and her at the sch gate by 7.45 but ,
i did not expect i would bathe so long today ... (LOL)
Hahas . After the remidial , it was only 9.30
Still early so went bck home as MinJie and Jer still hav sci lesson .
So went home to use comp for awhile .. Heheh
Chatted with cliff on msn coz he is the only one on9 . LOL
And went looking at ppls' blogg .
When it was 10.45 , i decided to meet MinJie & Jer to eat lunch .
But ended up , WeiHeng joined -.-
Then we was like dun care bout him .
But he was really irritating !
Went to Jer's house after our lunch at MAC .
We went there to do homework .
But most of the time we were plyin and destroying Jer's house .
Lol !! Really fun ! Got some pics wth MinJie ....
Wait uhhs ....
Sry uhhs . Got error so not goin show u today . Mayb tmr .
Hav an early nitex and cme to see my pics tmr ! :]
Bye bye ^^

-Tuesday, September 1, 2009 ' 9:54 PM Y
Here for you..

Bck posting agn ~
Today keep raining non-stop . Haiz .
No sch today leis ~
Actually tot today nth 2 do derhs ...
But suddenly , Jerene say wann to go lan :)
So went with Jerene , Sissy and cousins .
Suddenly , out of nowhere , we saw Afina .
So she joined us . (Of Course)
Went to city vibe de lan but it was full .
Waited outside very long .
But it was still very full .
So Afina , Jerene and I decided to go to the arcade while waitin ..
In the arcade was dam funny lorhs . LOL

Anyways , we saw .....
Clifford , Xx , Axel , Keith , WeiLi , Russ , Ben & Clement
They were in the lan as well as the arcade .
Xx ply till no money lerhs . LOL !!
Finally each of us got a computer and we strted off audi-in ! :)
Keep losing but WON sometimes luhs . Hehe :)
After all the audi-in , it was soon 6 o'clock .
We went home to hav our dinner
After dinner got nothing to do alr ><
So went to watch tv .
Heheh and was here taggin lo ~ :]
Gtg soon alr but mayb slpin at 11 barhs .
I goin off to pack bagg lo ~
But before i go , Wish all the teachers a HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY ! :)
Bye bye ~ Nitex Nitex !

-Monday, August 31, 2009 ' 8:54 PM Y
Here for you..

Back here tagging agns :)
Today , woke up at 6.00 , and went to school as usuall ...
Today there was teachers' day celebration .
And our teachers have plann some activities 4 us :)
It was really FUN & FUNNY ^^ (LOL)
Heheh .... Hav so much fun luhs .
After that went back to class and go through prelim math paper .
We went for recess after that at 10.30
Didnt eat luhs coz was busy chatting . LOL
at around 12++ we went to the hall .
There was a assembly .... Not really intresting =P
But Liang Yu was freaking irritating (LOL)
Soooon it was time to go home !!!!
I reach home at about 1.30 and went out agn ...
Went to eat lunch with Afina and Marcus .
After that , went back home liaos .
Not really much about today luhs ...
But lastly i wish every teacher in Singapore ......
Not goin to slp that early as tmr no need go to sch .
Heheh . Public Holiday worhs :)
Now was alr 9.10 but i got nothing to type about alr .
So less end off here ~
Will tagg tmr if i can :)
Bye bye ppl !
Early nitex nitex :)

-Tuesday, August 18, 2009 ' 9:53 PM Y
Here for you..

Today went to sch in the morning as usual ...
A relief teacher came to our class during science lesson ,
coz Mr Liau went reservice for 2 weeks .
Even though he was not around , we were not that happy .
Coz the relief teacher's lesson was so dam boring =.=
Cant even hear watt she was saying anyways .
Haiz .... Thn after sch went lunch with afina and marcus .
Thn they came to my house as mum allowed .
When was about to strt to do our homework ,
Wei Heng came bck home .. He wanted to hav lunch outside .
But he was alone so mum asked us to accompany him .

We went to long john and wei heng had his lunch thr .
Me and Afina just ate a packet a fries (Sharing)
Thn we headed bck home after that .
I drawed on afina's face with black inked marker
Was dam funny luhs ... ( Hahahs )
At around 4.45 , Afina decided to go for her Kumon .

I sent her to hong tat and she walked thr alone .
I went bck home after that and took a shower .
Shower for 30 mins luhs .
Watched tv after that and strted my work .
Doing and watching tv was being done from 7 to 9 =P
And went to watched Shin Chan .
Was dam funny !
Hahas . And i am here bloggin :)
Chatting with cliff and russ now on msn .
And i am goin to slp soon ! :)
So nitex Ppl !
Bye ! :)

-Monday, August 17, 2009 ' 8:02 PM Y
Here for you..

Hello Ppl ! I am bck ...
Today teacher told us the oral marks ....
Both chinese and english were like dam freaking low luhs .

English : 15-20/30 (Teacher didnt tell excact marks)
Chinese : 37/50
My chinese was like deprove till dunnoe like watt !
Deprove by 4 marks lorhs . Sian ....
Was from 41 to 37 =.=
English oso deprove le .... Haiz .....
Forget it . Lets not tok about that ....
Homework was being done in sch thn now nth to do ...
And was here bloggin :)
Not really that depress luhs ...
Last friday was Cherly's birthday .
Last saturday was Fatimah's birthday .
Yesterday was Marcus' birthday .
And today was Joycelyn's birthday . (LOL !)
Hahahs . All birthday was just 1 day after another ..
LOL . Now is around 8.10
Quite long alr . So lets end here !
Havin sch tmr , So hav an early nitex ppl .
I not goin slp now horhs ( I not pigg ^^)
Bye !

-Friday, August 14, 2009 ' 9:58 PM Y
Here for you..

Yosh Ppl :) Its me agn :)
Today , havin makeover for CL listening o.o
Scared fail sia . All the answers was like the same luhs ...
Forget to bring hp to sch , so left it at home ..
Someone go on my phone without my permission lorhs .
Kao -.- Go see my msg somemore . Rude !!!!
Dun wan embarrass u lorhs , so better dun do it next time !
Then went 434 void deck to do homework ..
Nvr even do lorhs -.- Was chatting only . LOL ~
Then went Bigg Book Shop at night with sissy , afina and twinnie :)
Hahahas . Then ate MACS ! :) No luhs . Macflurry nias :D
Twinnie (Aishah) treat me bubble tea leis :)
Good Right ? Hahahahs
LOL ! Ur questions in ur mind was like ....
Bubble tea only marhs ? Right ?
Lol ~ But is not to me luhs . No offence lorhs ~
Hahahs . Ltr goin watch tv :)
Hav lots of fun today lehs :)
But this weekend got lots of homework ...
And forget to say .... Today got chinese test ...
Hope to get 40 and above ... Hope is possible and not impossible ~
Beggies ~ :)
Begg oso no use anyways ~ LOL !
Quite Late lerhs . I not slpin but mayb u are ...
So Nitex Ppl !!!! :)

-Thursday, August 13, 2009 ' 9:23 PM Y
Here for you..

LOL ! I am here bloggin agn :)
Ytd went MAC with Liang Yu , Marcus and Afina .
We have lots of fun there but Liang Yu seems to be emo-in ... o.o
He was walkin around and doin his homework there .
But Afina , Marcus and I was not .
We were busy eatin and chattin ( Hahahs )
Lets tok about today ....
Today's science lesson was pretty funny .
Lots of ppl did not bring their sci work books and they were being scolded -.-
By Mr Liau of course .
But sci remidial ended up to be very fun . Coz Mr Liau did tell us jokes :)
I went home at about 4.00 but nobody was in .
So i went downstair and i saw Xian Xin .
When i was about to call me aunt , i saw my aunt walkin on the road o.o

So i stopped . Ate ice-cream after i went home :)
Quite nice luhs . But very cooling leis :)
LOLS ! Bathe for 15 mins only lehs ! Thn came out alr .

Watched Tv while eatin dinner ...
And fell asleep after that .
Remembered that i have homework so i woke up x.x
Finish my homework by 7.45 and continued watching paris and milan 0.o
Hahahs ... That show was dam funny luhs .
Thn i am here bloggin . :)
Now is alr 9.30 and someone heavent call me lorhs x.x
Nehmind . If i wait for Her/Him , sun alr rise lo !
Hahahs . Quite late alr .
Not gonna slp now but goin to say Nitez !
Nitez Ppl !!!
Yawnz .....

-Tuesday, August 11, 2009 ' 9:34 PM Y
Here for you..

Finally went to sch ~
5 Days away from sch was super boring (haiz ><)
2days of MC and continued by a long weekend ~
That was really boring D:
Nth to do ~ No homework -.-
But tmr , it is goin to be compo writting exam ><
Nvr practice..... Shhhhh :X
Hahahs , Lazy right =P
Now at a time of just 9.40 , my sister is alr in a dream -.- (Early ~ )
I am here bloggin coz i got nth better to do ~
Missed ~ my CL listening . Got ppl in class get full mark sei ~
I wan knw my CL oral exam score .... Hope is not that low ~
Lazy ppl always scared this and that , Hahah =P
20 mins ltr , i will be in my Lala Land :D
Not really that sleepy now but more and more ppl are dozing off ~
LOL . Try to slp early and get prepared for tmr's exam pri 6s' ! :)
Will tagg as sooooon as possible !! :)
Nitex Ppl ! Slp Well ! :)

Thht Girl♥

GLADYS TAN is whht people calls her 040697 is her bigbig day. & she is 13 this year.
Currently Single♥
Ex`RopeSkipper / ChineseDancer
She loves her Family , Friends & Her Beloved Mickeys♥
Laughing is part of her life!


Turn 13♥♥
True Love♥
Grow Taller♥
New Wallet♥
Mario Bag Chain♥
Big Big Mickey♥
Shopping with girlf♥♥
Slack with dawn`jie aftr sch♥♥
Slack with dawn`jie♥♥
Shopping with dawn`jie♥♥
Pass Chinese`SA1
Pass Geo`SA1


Sweet Escapes♥

Sissy♥ | Serene`Jie♥ | Junyao | Elize | Dawn`Jie♥ |

Twinneh`Girlf♥ | Dominic | Benedict | Marcus`Di | 6/4`09 |

GWEN !(: | JERMAIN ! (:| TYRONE ! (: | YASMEEN ! (: | LINGXUAN ! (: | XIUQIN ! (: |


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